Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Client testimonial for D'Bora charter boat in Mentawai Islands

"Dear Rhonda,

Finally recovering from the surf trip of a lifetime.  I really don’t know where to start!  We had pumping waves for the whole ten days including HT’s the best Joey had seen it in his time in the Mentawais Islands. Two to four surfs a day for ten days in world class waves....wow!  I don’t know when it is really going to sink in!

I would recommend the D’Bora team to any person or group wanting to surf the Mentawais.  In my eyes they are the best!!  Some of us were expecting to probably lose a bit of weight on the trip but there was no possible way about that getting restaurant quality meals made for us from the chef (Seeka) every day!  Three cooked meals a day and really healthy meals at that!  At first we all felt that we had to chip in and help with things around the boat like washing dishes and that sort of thing however everything was done for us including making the beds and folding up clothing around the beds in the dorm.

  • Captain Ali is a great captain and we all absolutely loved his dry sense of humour.
  • Eka provided great local knowledge (including fishing) and his experience on the tender and around the Islands picking us up from the breaks was bloody fantastic.
  • Amae took over fixing some dings in my board and did a terrific job and was handy with the tender’s and also had a great sense of humour.
  • Herman is a great engineer!  I don’t know how old he is but his engineering skills at what I believe is a very young age is a credit to him.  Being a skipper and engineer in a past life I was totally amazed when they allowed me to have a look in the engine room.  Really clean and well organised.
  • Seeka is the newest crew member on the boat and should be cooking at the Hilton or something.  Hardly left the galley all day and provided the best healthiest meals ever.
  • And finally Joey.....he is absolutely on the money when it comes to finding the waves.  We basically told him to take us where the waves are and he did that (exceeded expectations).  Joeys passion for the local people shines through and I felt very privileged that he asked us if we wanted to assist him setting up a water filtration system at a health clinic at a village just around the corner from Lances Left on our last day.  Vinnie and myself took up the offer and these memories will stay with me forever.  Joey and Tom are absolute legends for what they are doing to help the local people of the Mentawais!

Meeting other people in the network of friends and associates of the D’Bora the trip on this boat is something really special.  I thank you so much for placing our group on this boat after the trouble the other boat had.  It sounds as though we may have had a nightmare trip on that one!

On a bit of a down note, I would not recommend anyone fly Air Asia.  The way they cancelled the flight on us out of Padang on the way home was absolute bullshit.  I am sure that these things do happen from time to time but after being totally burnt out after ten days of surfing and having the best trip ever it was a very long day of travelling.

Speaking for myself, and I am sure the other feel the same way, I am very grateful of all your assistance in making our trip truly the best holiday I have ever had.  I personally hope to get back on the D’Bora within the next two years and will definitely go through the Perfect Wave Surf Travel Company.

I will be telling anyone interested in a surf trip that the Mentawais Islands is the place to go and that the Perfect Wave and the D’Bora is the only way to go!

Kindest Regards,


 For more information, please check out the link above or call 1300 00WAVE. 


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